Hand with leaf
P.A. 3 / S.O. 3.2 - N. 195


Regional Energy Efficiency HUB

Project Summary

The main goal of REEHUB is to increase energy efficiency of the public buildings inside the Programme area, through a network of hubs, enabling the training of building managers on energy-efficiency measures. In addition, the project aims to guarantee suitable and effective communication to consumers and awareness-raising at all levels of society. The idea is to create public venues where all the stakeholders involved can find tangible examples on how citizens can contribute to a sustainable growth, aligned to circular economy principles. The ambitious results is to shift from old buildings to low-energy or zero-energy buildings.

city at night

Total budget 744.800,00 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 2018 / 2020

Main Outputs

-    Best practices of REEHUB Audit Methodology
-    Capacity building actions for energy efficiency in buildings
-    Roadshow for key stakeholders
-    Set up of 4 Regional Energy Efficiency Hubs in the Programme area

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Ministria e Energjisë dhe Industrisë (AL) - Contacts: Eranda Shalsi (Project Manager)) - ark.eralici[at]gmail.com
Project Partners
  • Instituti për Kërkim dhe Zhvillim Barleti (AL) - Contacts: Ajda Carcani (Project Manager) - a.carcani[at]bird.al
  • ENEA - Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (IT) - Contacts:Monica Misceo (Project Manager)- monica.misceo[at]enea.it - Vincenza Luprano - vincenza.luprano[at]enea.it
  • Distretto Tecnologico Nazionale sull’Energia Scarl (IT) - Contacts:Angelo Colucci (Project Manager) angelo.colucci[at]ditne.it
  • Comune di Agnone (IT) - Contacts: Nicola Cerimele (Project Manager) - nicolacerimele[at]gmail.com
  • Javna ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME) - Contacts:Irena Jakovic (Project Manager) - irena_arhi[at]yahoo.com; Ratko Mitrovic (Project Manager) - ratkom[at]ac.me